Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Wreath Project

Today I was determined to create a fall wreath.  So I went to my favorite weekend destination...Michael's Craft Store.  They had soooo many excellent deals today! But for the purpose of this story...I will only discuss items related to this project...other wise I'll babble forever =)

Well...I purchased a straw wreath for 2.99,  brown yarn for just under $3 (which I only used a fraction that $3 will last me many more projects!) and felt was an amazing 5 for $1!!  What a deal! So I picked up a hunter green,  cranberry red,  brown,  and 2 different shades of yellow.

Ok, it, now what did I do? Well...prepare yourself for about an hours worth of yarn wrapping.  Yep,  I sat there for over an hour watching the Kardashians & wrapping yarn.  When I got to the end, all I did was tie it off with a simple knot. 

As for the flowers,  I really had no plan.  I had just bought sunflowers & really liked the layered look,  so figured Id mock that using 2 colors per.  I found some great glue called "Craft Smart Tacky Glue" for 1.99 that specified felt as one of the items it works for. It worked really really well to hold together the flowers.  I also found a 3 pack of buttons at Michael's for a dollar or so and secured each one to the center of a flower using super glue.   Then,  attatched the flowers to the yarn of the wreath with super glue. I plan to play more with the felt and try different "flower" techniques and see what other styles I can come up with!

And that was that! Super cute,  super easy & a great fall accent for your home! 

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