Sunday, September 11, 2011


Before I even mention my american flag craft project....I think everyone should just take 1 extra minute to watch this video.  It is the perfectly done Budweiser commercial that aired today.  I think it is a great example of how sometimes using no words can say even more than if there were.  I have re-watched it at least 12 times since I saw it & everytime I just think about how great I think it is...

it is 1 minute that everyone in the United States should take time for. Just 1 minute to see, to think, & most importantly just remember. 

I did do a patriotic art project for the 9-11 anniversary.  I found a wooden heart at Michael's craft store for .99,  but once I got home I could not think of what to do with it.  Josh then suggested I add a 9-11/US Flag piece to my building collection of crafts and immediately I thought of the perfect use for it.

I took out my navy blue and crimson red water color paints and painted the top corner of the heart blue, the rest the red.  I then found a off-white, sort of rustic looking scrap paper and measured 1/2 inch strips.  When the paint was dry I think glued the strips onto the red portion of the heart,  1/2 inches apart, trimming the edges.  I then cut out stars from the same paper and glued them into the blue portion of the heart.  Spraying it with the clear gloss. Very simple & an easy way to display the American flag in your home in memory of those lost in the 9-11 tradgedy all year long.  I hope to find a way to put "9-11 never forget" or "always in our hearts" on it to complete the look.  Although I am not sure how I want to approach that! Any suggestions are welcome :)

(still needs some cleaning up & of course some words to represent its meaning)

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